
prada的经典包包, PRADA和GUCCI那个的包包好?

281 2023-11-27 11:43 admin 手机版


各有千秋,因为风格不同,走的路线也不同,GUCCI更年轻化更亲民,PRADA更“贵族”一点,从设计艺术感来说,PRADA也略胜一筹,MIUCHIA PRADA是设计师中比较有想法的一个人,她的设计中有对当今社会,文化与艺术的思考与评论,以及创新。《穿PRADA的恶魔》中的时尚女魔头穿的为什么是PRADA而不是GUCCI,VERSACE或ESCADA是有她的道理的。Gucci的风格较张扬,充满物质欲与华丽。 从质量上来说,我只能说GUCCI的一般,我买的两只不同款式黑色皮质钱包用过不久都开始黑色皮子出现黯红色变色,拿到店里去问人家不给做保养也没任何说法。帆布的TOTE用了不到一年外部的小口袋边缘就有磨坏的痕迹(要知道那个部位不是包底部,也不是平时会被磨到的地方)这些都与所谓大牌的身份实在不符。不过一个国际品牌的成功会有很多的因素,设计理念是决定性因素,因为好看才会受到人们喜爱,GUCCI的丝巾包是我的下一个败家目标,没办法,喜欢就是喜欢。 PRADA今年的带领的新风潮渐变色非常漂亮,值得推荐。



意大利奢侈品牌PRADA由玛丽奥·普拉达于1913年在意大利米兰创建。Miuccia Prada的独特天赋在于对新创意的不懈追求,融合了对知识的好奇心和文化兴趣,从而开辟了先驱之路。她不仅能够预测时尚趋势,更能够引领时尚潮流。Prada提供男女成衣、皮具、鞋履、眼镜及香水,并提供量身定制服务。


Re-Edition bag:这款包正好赶上街头风的热潮,价格上算是能买得起的千元大牌包,也是近段火爆程度敢说第一没人敢说第二的一款包。明星加持下的出镜率也是数一数二的。

Re-Edition算是复刻的经典包,风靡90年代的Hobo Bag,标志性的尼龙材质,轻便防水、能装耐磨,可选的颜色也超超超级多!绝对是是必备款!




1、Cahier bag


2、Sidonie bag

19年Prada家很受欢迎的其中一款,复刻了2000春夏系列中的一款手袋,在Prada 2019早春系列中首次亮相,这个系列的包包推出好几款,但造型主要以弧形造型为主,复古又独特,包包的底部像个屁股,还被亲切的称为屁股包,哈哈

3、Re-Edition bag

这款包正好赶上街头风的热潮,价格上算是能买得起的千元大牌包,也是近段火爆程度敢说第一没人敢说第二的一款包。明星加持下的出镜率也是数一数二的。Re-Edition算是复刻的经典包,风靡90年代的Hobo Bag,标志性的尼龙材质,轻便防水、能装耐磨,可选的颜色也超超超级多!绝对是是必备款!

4、Saffiano bag


5、Nylon Saffiano bag



1 不可能列举出所有款式 2 因为Prada品牌推出的包包种类非常多,每一季都有新款式的推出,而且涵盖了手提包、单肩包、斜挎包、背包等多种类型,同时不同材质、不同图案也增加了款式的多样性 3 如果你对Prada包包感兴趣,可以去Prada的官网或专卖店了解更多款式信息。除此之外,网络上也有很多爱好者分享Prada包包的款式和购买心得,可以参考一下。


PRADA作为世界最顶尖的几个品牌之一,是意大利的国宝,所以,价格嘛~ 1、2万一件的衣服算是便宜了~PRADA的衣服属于奢侈品,自然价格非常昂贵 !


Prada是一家奢侈品牌,其品牌的包包被称为Prada Bag。



Welcome to my blog! Today, we are going to talk about the 2015 Classic Collection of Prada women's handbags. Prada is a renowned luxury fashion brand that has been in the industry for decades. Their handbags are known for their timeless designs, high-quality materials, and impeccable craftsmanship.

The 2015 Classic Collection by Prada offers a range of stylish and sophisticated handbags that are perfect for any occasion. These bags are meticulously crafted using the finest materials, ensuring durability and longevity. Let's take a closer look at some of the iconic pieces from this collection.

1. Prada女包2015经典款 - Saffiano Tote Bag

The Saffiano Tote Bag is one of the most iconic and sought-after bags from Prada. It features the signature Saffiano leather, which is known for its distinctive cross-hatch pattern and exceptional durability. This bag is spacious enough to carry all of your essentials, making it ideal for daily use.

The design of the Saffiano Tote Bag is simple yet elegant. It has a structured silhouette with slim, rolled handles and a detachable shoulder strap for added convenience. The interior is lined with luxurious Prada logo fabric and includes multiple pockets to keep your belongings organized.

Whether you're heading to the office or going out for a night on the town, the Saffiano Tote Bag is a versatile accessory that can effortlessly elevate any outfit. It is available in a variety of colors, including classic black, vibrant red, and sophisticated navy.

2. Prada女包2015经典款 - Galleria Bag

The Galleria Bag is another iconic design that has become synonymous with Prada. This bag is crafted from soft, supple leather and features a timeless shape with clean lines and minimalistic detailing. It exudes understated elegance and is suitable for both formal and casual settings.

One of the standout features of the Galleria Bag is its spacious interior. It has three compartments, including a central zippered compartment, which provides ample space to keep your essentials organized. The bag also includes a detachable shoulder strap, allowing for versatile carrying options.

Whether you're attending a business meeting or going shopping with friends, the Galleria Bag is a practical choice that doesn't compromise on style. It is available in an array of classic colors, such as beige, black, and white, as well as bold shades like bright pink and electric blue.

3. Prada女包2015经典款 - Double Bag

The Double Bag is a contemporary take on the classic tote bag. It features a unique, two-tone design with contrasting colors and textures, creating a modern and eye-catching look. The bag is crafted from supple calf leather, which gives it a luxurious feel.

The Double Bag has a spacious interior with a divided compartment, allowing for easy organization of your belongings. It also includes a detachable shoulder strap, providing added versatility. The bag is finished with the signature Prada logo plaque, adding a touch of elegance.

With its modern aesthetic and functional design, the Double Bag is a statement piece that will make heads turn. It is available in a range of color combinations, including neutral tones like black and white, as well as bolder options like red and blue.


The 2015 Classic Collection of Prada women's handbags offers an impressive lineup of timeless and elegant designs. Whether you prefer the simplicity of the Saffiano Tote Bag, the understated charm of the Galleria Bag, or the contemporary appeal of the Double Bag, there is a bag to suit every style and occasion.

Investing in a Prada handbag from this collection is not only a fashion statement but also a symbol of luxury and sophistication. These bags are meticulously crafted using the finest materials and showcase Prada's commitment to quality and design excellence.

So, if you're looking for a handbag that combines style, functionality, and lasting appeal, look no further than the 2015 Classic Collection by Prada. These bags are a true investment piece that will stand the test of time and continue to be coveted for years to come.


PRADA‌女‌士最新款‌单肩斜‌挎包可拆‌卸链式‌肩带、内‌里配‌有可‌拆卸镜子,‌型号1BP006,‌颜色:‌裸粉/‌散字唛,内‌码224代‌工码 ‌意大利顶级‌原单十‌字纹‌牛皮质‌感极好,‌进口‌螺纹里布 ‌进‌口厚金电‌镀纯铜五‌金配‌件!精湛走‌线‌均匀整‌齐 做‌工精湛 品‌质媲‌美正品,‌尺寸:长18cm高11.5cm‌宽3.5cm


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